Decision Tree: How to find the path from the root to the desired terminal node

Prepare a fitted random forest

import random
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.ensemble.forest import RandomForestRegressor
from sklearn import tree
data = pd.DataFrame({"Y":[1,5,3,4,3,4,2], "X_1":["red", "blue", "blue", "red","red","blue", "red"],
                    "X_2":[18.4, 7.5, 9.3, 3.7, 5.2, 3.2, 5.2]})
data = pd.get_dummies(data)
X = data.drop(["Y"], axis=1)
y = data["Y"]
rf = RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators = 10, random_state = 1234), y)


RandomForestRegressor(bootstrap=True, criterion='mse', max_depth=None,
           max_features='auto', max_leaf_nodes=None,
           min_impurity_decrease=0.0, min_impurity_split=None,
           min_samples_leaf=1, min_samples_split=2,
           min_weight_fraction_leaf=0.0, n_estimators=10, n_jobs=1,
           oob_score=False, random_state=1234, verbose=0, warm_start=False)

Find the path to desired terminal node

import pydotplus
import re 
def return_node_path_to_max_prediction(onetree, verbose=True):
    @input: a tree from the sklearn randomforest
    @output: the node path to maxmium terminal node
        [[split_node_1], [split_node_2], ...]
        [splite_node_1] = [var_index, cutoff, direction]
    if verbose:
        print("Generating Tree Graph, it may take a while...")
    dot_data = tree.export_graphviz(onetree,
                                    out_file = None,
                                    filled   = True,
                                    rounded  = True,
                                    special_characters = True)  
    graph = pydotplus.graph_from_dot_data(dot_data)
    graph_ = {}
    for edge in graph.get_edge_list():
        graph_[edge.get_source()] = edge.get_destination()
    # find all terminal node
    terminal_node = {}
    non_decimal = re.compile(r'[^\d.]+')
    for node in graph.get_node_list():
        if node.get_name() not in graph_:
            if node.get_name() not in ["node", "edge"]:
                value = node.get_label()
                value = re.sub(r'.*v', 'v', value)
                terminal_node[node.get_name()] = float(non_decimal.sub('', value))
    # find the path down to the terminal with maximum predition value
    flag = True
    destination = max(terminal_node, key=terminal_node.get)
    edge_list = graph.get_edge_list()
    node_list = graph.get_node_list()
    split_node = []
    while flag:
        myedge = [edge for edge in edge_list  if edge.get_destination() == destination][0]
        if int(myedge.get_destination()) - int(myedge.get_source()) > 1:
            direction = "Right"
            direction = "Left"
        mynode = [node for node in node_list if node.get_name() == myedge.get_source()][0]
        var_val = re.findall(r"[-+]?\d*\.\d+|\d+", mynode.get_label())[:2]
        # record the growing path:
        #  var_val[0]: Index of variable participating in splitting
        #  var_val[1]: cutoff point of the splitting
        #  direction: If Right, means greater than var_val[1]; 
        #             If Left, means no greater than var_val[1]
        if verbose:
            print(myedge.get_destination() + "<-" + myedge.get_source() + 
                  ": Split at Variable X" + var_val[0] + "; The cutoff is " + var_val[1] + 
                 "; Turn " + direction)
        destination = myedge.get_source()
        if destination == "0":
            flag = False
    return [*reversed(split_node)]


return_node_path_to_max_prediction(rf[1], verbose=True)


Generating Tree Graph, it may take a while...
3<-1: Split at Variable X0; The cutoff is 5.6; Turn Right
1<-0: Split at Variable X0; The cutoff is 12.95; Turn Left

From the output above, we know the path from the root to the desired terminal node is :

Root[X0(<= 12.95)] -> X0 (>=5.6) -> Terminal Node

Collect Paths in the random forest

def collect_path(rf, verbose=True):
    n_tree = len(rf)
    result = []
    for i in range(n_tree):
        if verbose:
            print("Construct the %s tree graph out of %s trees" %(i+1, n_tree))
        result.append(return_node_path_to_max_prediction(rf.estimators_[i], verbose=False))
    return result


result = collect_path(rf)


Construct the 1 tree graph out of 10 trees
Construct the 2 tree graph out of 10 trees
Construct the 3 tree graph out of 10 trees
Construct the 4 tree graph out of 10 trees
Construct the 5 tree graph out of 10 trees
Construct the 6 tree graph out of 10 trees
Construct the 7 tree graph out of 10 trees
Construct the 8 tree graph out of 10 trees
Construct the 9 tree graph out of 10 trees
Construct the 10 tree graph out of 10 trees
[[[0, 4.2, 'Left']], [[0, 12.95, 'Left'], [0, 5.6, 'Right']], [[1, 0.5, 'Right'], [0, 8.4, 'Left']], [[0, 13.85, 'Left'], [0, 8.4, 'Left'], [1, 0.5, 'Right']], [[0, 8.4, 'Left'], [0, 6.35, 'Right']], [[0, 12.95, 'Left'], [0, 5.6, 'Right']], [[2, 0.5, 'Left'], [0, 5.35, 'Right']], [[1, 0.5, 'Right'], [0, 5.35, 'Right']], [[0, 13.85, 'Left'], [1, 0.5, 'Right'], [0, 8.4, 'Left'], [0, 5.35, 'Right']], [[0, 13.85, 'Left'], [0, 6.35, 'Right'], [0, 8.4, 'Left']]]

Summarize the decison region

def summarize_region(result, features):
    decision_region = {k: [[] for _ in range(2)] for k in features}
    for i in range(len(result)):
        for j in range(len(result[i])):
            if result[i][j][2] == "Left":
    decision_region_ = {}
    for k in features:
            upper_bound = min(decision_region[k][0])
        except ValueError:
            upper_bound = "Unknown"
            lower_bound = max(decision_region[k][1])
        except ValueError:
            lower_bound = "Unknown"
        decision_region_[k] = [lower_bound, upper_bound]
    value_to_remove = ['Unknown', 'Unknown']
    decision_region_ = {key: value for key, value in decision_region_.items() if value != value_to_remove}
    value_to_remove = [0.5, 0.5]
    decision_region_ = {key: value for key, value in decision_region_.items() if value != value_to_remove}
    return (decision_region_)


features = X.columns
summarize_region(result, features)


{'X_1_blue': [0.5, 'Unknown'], 'X_1_red': ['Unknown', 0.5], 'X_2': [6.35, 4.2]}

From the output above, we know that the decision region:

{blue} * [6.35, 4.2]

But it seems that the region [6.35, 4.2] is not reasonable due to the poorly generated data. But it may happens in some situations, which may require us to come up with new ways to ensemble these terminal nodes.


My research interests lie at the intersection of machine learning and optimization.